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Thais De Marco

I see best when I’m looking though my camera.

No, really. Have you ever met someone who owned a car for ten months before realizing it has a sunroof? You’re looking at her.

My name is Thais - pronounced Ty-EES - and I hail from Brasilia, Brazil. I live in Melrose, MA with my kids and Great Pyrenees pup, all of whom provide me with plenty of practice photographing unwilling subjects, especially during the winter months.

I’ve been in love with photography for as long as I can remember; my earliest memories are of following my grandfather around as he took the most amazing photos and then developed them in our bathroom, aka the dark room. He created absolutely magical images with in-camera double, triple, and quadruple exposure, and his work inspires me every day. I’m sorry I lost him before coming into my own and creating my own visual poetry with photography; I hope I’m making him proud.

I would love to help document your special times - be they a day in your life with your family, a milestone birthday, your wedding, or anything in between - and help write your book of memories through photography.